We have a trip to few farm with our department staff. There is only 4 of us. The driver and the most experience among us cum tour guide is Bro Ching. The 2nd one is our collumnist from chinese news paper cum reporter KC Yu. The 3rd one is our photographer cum photo editor Ian. The 4th one is the act cool model & food tasting cum eating, that's me......hahaha..

Dragon Fruit.. Why they call it Dragon Fruit?

All this is fresh from the farm

This is the Dragon Fruit farm. The tree you can see is like cactus. Actually it is from the cactus family.

They put the tyre there is to support the leave not to let it drop to the ground.

This is the dragon fruit flower.

When the fruit grow to certain size, the have to wrap it with plastic bag to prevent it from being eaten by the bats, bird and others.

Who eaten this one? If they didn't wrap it, this is how it looks like.

Look so yummy, can I just bite it??

This fella is belongs to the owner of the farm. Can you see What is in the mouth? CIGARETTE!!! What the hell? Monkey also can smoke? You have to believe it because I saw a newspaper cutting stick near the cage with the monkey puffing the cigarette. The owner told me that this monkey is also very HAMSAP and when he saw girls wearing mini skirt, he will bend down his head to peep. So girls, please becareful when you visit to this farm.

Our Kc interview the owner of this farm.
While our collumnist cum reporter interviewing the owner, we take a rest at the counter and had something to enjoy in the hot hot weather. Guess what???

This is the best thing man. The taste is so nice. I want all but can you please count for me how many sticks there??

WhhOOOaaaa.... I got 2 sticks.

Before we left the place i bought another one and succckkk it in the car. ho liao.....

Taking photo with the owner. From left Bro.Ching (the tour guide), Kc (the reporter), Mr Dragon (the owner) & Melvyn (the hungry man)
After visiting this Dragon Fruit farm, we proceed to Longan Farm about half and hour drive from the Dragon Fruit farm.

The road heading to the Longan farm.

Here we are but too bad the farm is close on weekdays and only open on weekends. sad sad.

Can see the Longan but cannot taste it. Longan Longan, I'm so sorry I cannot taste you now.

We will be back next time...
We feel so disappointed that our favourite fruits farm not open. The next stop is at Tanjung Sepat, The GANO Farm.

Last time i came here about 7 years ago and today the farm totally change with nice building and also a comfort accomodation.

This is the farm and it has many types of mushroom.

Whole racking is full of this. It has wood dust in it and mix with other stuff.

This one called monkey head mushroom.

This rack is abalone mushroom.

Lingzhi mushroom. Very good for health.

The poster explain the goodness of the product.

Full information you get get from this farm.

The information in few languages.Chinese, English or Malay also have.

They explain it very detail.

There is a retail shop just veside the farm. You can buy the product here.

We feel so hungry after visit the GANO farm because we only see and didn't eat. So we went to this most FAMOUS pau nearby the town. The pau really taste good. after eating, we tapau back also.

Our last stop is Chinese Temple. The name of the temple i don't know. Sorry ya, I'm a banana boy don't know chinese word.

Saw this giant poster and i took photo with it. Looks so real is it?

I guess Ian is scoulding the hot hot weather.
end of the trip......