Wake up early in the morning to get myself ready to airport but still feel blur blur because i just take a nap for 1-2 hour. My poor buddies also blur because he need to fetch me to LCCT.

poor guy

our flight was on time and we reach Solo around 9.30am. this trip i went with ching, jeya and mani.

the usual view inside the flight

this two guy sure looking at the pretty stewardess....
When we reach Solo our driver and agent already waiting in the car. The journey to Jepara takes around 4 hours drive from Solo. Along the journey when we reach Semarang the road is jam, full of lorry and is dusty because the road is not tar road but we call it sand & stone road. This town is very busy because people are using the port at Semarang for import and export. Few people walking and selling tit bits, cigarettes, drinking water and etc in the busy road where the car is jam and slow moving. They will walk to your car and if you need something you can just buy it.

saw this in a group of two sing song at the traffic light and when the car stop they will come over to get some tips

This is the place we had our lunch.

the menu language is different abit from Malaysia

four of us order nasi ayam.

heyyy..... look here. don't be so
yau kui (hungry ghost) keep on eating.
ching : hey melvyn what drinks you want?
me : er.... dunno what to drink also.ching : try this la... teh botol sosro.
me : hah.... why got tea in the botol?ching : try la.
me : oklah. i nak teh botol sosro.(after few minute the drink is serve)
me : why the taste got some smell?(feel like cheated by ching)ching : haha....smell like jasmine is it?
me : yalah.the smell very strong ching : i think you will never order this drink again.
me : not really la. as long the teh is cool than is ok.
After finish our lunch, the journey continue. at 2.30pm we finally reach Jepara. When we start entering the town, i saw some shop selling the teak wood along the both side of the road. As we went deep inside, i saw the teak shop more and more until we reach our hotel.

teak shop along both side of the road.

finally we reach our hotel at Jepara.

we stay at the one on the right. All the rooms they name it by the sea creature. we stay at the rooms called "Duyung"

apartment style with 2 rooms and a very big living hall. The only thing no good is the water because when using the tab water the taste is like the sea water.

Mr.Mani and Mr.Ching discussing the itineary with our driver.

try to act cool....

while they busy discussing, i walk around the hotel and take some photo.the swimming pool is just opposite our room. nice view...

ching and jeya will choose the product and mani will negotiate with the supplier and my job is taking the product photo and i learn how ching choose the product. this trip i really learn alot of things from the senior.

this type of dry kiln is no good compare with the one in the oven.

this one is better. the raw wood will dry.

at nite we had our dinner at the road side. The food is nice especially the sambal. people here don't eat much vegetables. they prefer chicken, chicken and chicken. that is their life. We order crab (kepiting in indonesia language), ayam goreng, burung goreng and ikan goreng. the worst part is when the burung goreng is serve i still can see the bird head still there. it makes me feel very geli......