KL to K.Terengganu
Driving from KL to K.terengganu takes about 5hours. Me & Ian was having some task at K.Terengganu and we stay a night there then the next day, we heading to Alor Setar using Grik.

This is the time you will feel that the GPS is so useful when you are not so sure about the roads.
We stop at road side to have some durians kampung. Unlike north south expressway where you got the R&R area.
I ask the durian seller , mana satu best? he told me, pilihlah, semua pun best, ini durian kampung. I was errr... you selling durian like this ar? then never mind la, since you also dunno which one is nice then i just choose one and to our surprise, the durian taste is good. 1kg RM3 only.We had 2nos then we continue our journey.
Saw this irresponsible driver & owner of this truck. How can he load the wood so high up to sky?. It is so dangerous. Can you imagine if the things drop??
Saw thier local bus at K.Terengganu. Looks like the kampung house and something which is not so nice to say here la.
After complete our task at K.Terengganu, our colleague Tie bring us to durian frenzy again at her brother's stall.
So many durians kampung. Thanks to Tie for bringing us there.

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