Noble House
NO.5, Jalan Temoh
41400 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 03-33430927
This restaurant islocated at Klang. People who stay at Klang should know this place. It is quiet famous.
This is the map to the Noble House Seafood Restaurant. Some tips to those who going there by this map: After you pass the first fly over, when you see the second fly over, you should keep to the left side and drive straight then you will see there is a inner road then drive into the inner road and just follow the map. You will be able to find it.
Michael Tan is the Chef Managing Director. He won alot of certificate & medal by participating in alot of competition.
First dish is this vege with nuts. I dunno wat it called..
This is Oyster Mee Sua. I not really like Mee Sua but this one I like it very much.
Fried Glass Noodle (Char Tang Hoon). The taste and the ingredients is just perfectly nice.
Fried Rice Noodle ( Char Mee Hun Kun). This dish must never miss. The wok hei is enough. The noodle is abit thick and succulent. Must try this.
Claypot Braised Pork. The sauce is thick and tasty.
This man tou go with the Braised Pork.
Fried Oyster. The way they fried is something like penang style. The Fried Oyster is sticky enough.
How is this look like? Always we eat is suckling pig but this is suckling chicken and it left only two wing for you to know that this is chicken.
This is Jen Jia . He love food so much and he can eat alot than me. hou yeh...

Jeya , Kc Yu, Tee & Mani joining this dinner also. Where are you Mun? You miss the good food.

Aaron, Mrs Yu & Zaw Min (guest from Myanmar).

We booked for two table and the food we ordered is just nice and we finish all.

This is Ching the Master Food Hunter and the organizer for this dinner. He love nice food and he knows alot of places for nice food. He bring us to alot of places before. Thanks you for bringing us for the dinner.
Mr.Ching, his friends & family one table and we was at another table.

Best way to digest food is chit chatting....hahaha...

After we finish the dinner, we heading to berkeley roundabout there for yum cha at the Restoran Shamugan
We enjoy the food and the place is easily to find. Fast fast go and try. Please call and make a reservation before you go especially during weekends and public holiday which is always full.
NO.5, Jalan Temoh
41400 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 03-33430927

Jeya , Kc Yu, Tee & Mani joining this dinner also. Where are you Mun? You miss the good food.

Aaron, Mrs Yu & Zaw Min (guest from Myanmar).

We booked for two table and the food we ordered is just nice and we finish all.
This is Ching the Master Food Hunter and the organizer for this dinner. He love nice food and he knows alot of places for nice food. He bring us to alot of places before. Thanks you for bringing us for the dinner.

After we finish the dinner, we heading to berkeley roundabout there for yum cha at the Restoran Shamugan
We enjoy the food and the place is easily to find. Fast fast go and try. Please call and make a reservation before you go especially during weekends and public holiday which is always full.
i am a student froom linton's university college.
i am currently conducting a survey on Noble House restaurant.
the survey is for the assignment purpose.
would you please answer the questionnaire that i have prepared?
if you are willing to, please email me at:
i would be very grateful if you can answer the questionnaire.
i need valid information (real experiences) as to complete the assignment appropriately.